81st – Provincial AGM 2022
Mark your calendar for our 81st Annual General Meeting (AGM) that will be held in virtual mode on Sunday, October 2, 2022.
Knowing that the last 2 years have been financially difficult at both the squadron and provincial levels, your Provincial Board of Directors (BOD) have chosen to hold this meeting in virtual mode again this year.
The AGM is scheduled to take place at 10:00 a.m. using the Zoom platform which will be graciously provided by the national.
Again, this year, to facilitate the process and to alleviate the videoconference platform, only voting members will be able to participate. In accordance with article 3.2.1 of our by-laws, the voting members are:
- Squadron chairpersons or their substitute;
- Regional coordinators or their substitute;
- Members of the QOVPC BOD; and
- Members of the Advisory council.
More details will be provided in due course. In the meantime, don’t forget to mark your calendar for this important annual meeting.