The Air Cadet Program is a collaboration between the Air Cadet League of Canada and the Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (CJCR ) program of the Canadian Armed Forces. This collaboration is governed by a Memorandum of Understanding, signed in 2020, which formalizes the shared roles and responsibilities in support of cadets and cadet corps and squadrons. This partnership is essential at every level of our organization, and plays an important role in its success.
Under the Memorandum of Understanding, the military partner is fully responsible for the supervision and training of the cadets, who range in age from 12 to 18. Although it is our military partner who looks after the cadets, a squadron can only exist with a civilian partner, the squadron sponsoring committee (SSC). SSCs are responsible for securing suitable premises for the squadron’s needs, managing the squadron’s finances and bank account, and fund-raising for squadron needs not covered by the military partner.
The work of the SSCs is governed by the policies and regulations of the League’s provincial committee and national headquarters. Many documents are available on this site to support SSCs, who also have access to their regional team (e.g., regional coordinators) and to the provincial office.

The QOVPC is responsible for the fleet of gliders and tow planes used for both familiarization flights and summer glider pilot training on our territory. The QOVPC owns the 6 tow planes and 15 gliders used in the air cadet program in Quebec and the Ottawa Valley, and is responsible for major maintenance (e.g., engine overhauls for tow planes based on flight hours) and eventual replacement of this fleet.
There are numerous legal requirements in the operations of all levels of the League, in addition to the obligations arising from the Memorandum of Understanding. National Headquarters has established requirements for provincial committees and SSCs across Canada, and the provincial committee also has its own requirements to ensure compliance with all these requirements, including those imposed by the provincial government, which are unique to us.