The Air Cadet League of Canada oversees 11 provincial and territorial committees. These committees work closely with the officers in their territories to ensure that squadron activities run smoothly. Each provincial or territorial committee has signed an affiliation agreement with national headquarters, defining the roles and obligations of both parties. Each of these committees is required to respect the national policies and vision, as well as the government obligations in effect in Canada and in their province or territory.
The territory of the Quebec and Ottawa Valley Provincial Committee (QOVPC) covers the entire province of Quebec, as well as the Ottawa Valley, i.e. the greater region of Canada’s national capital. As required by National Headquarters, all QOVPC volunteers, whether at the provincial, regional or local level, must be registered and screened QOVPC members in good standing.
The QOVPC Board of Directors (Board) is made up of a maximum of 15 members, elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. These members are all volunteers and have already served on a squadron sponsoring committee and/or a regional committee.

The QOVPC territory includes 11 regions, grouped into five sectors:
- North sector: Abitibi and Saguenay/Lac St-Jean/Nord du Québec regions (15 SSCs)
- South sector: Montérégie and Rive-Nord regions (22 SSCs)
- Centre sector: Estrie/Bois-Francs and Mauricie regions (15 SSCs)
- East sector: Quebec and Bas St-Laurent regions (16 SSCs)
- West sector: Ottawa Valley, Montréal West and Montréal East regions (26 SSCs)
Each sector reports to a sector director who is a member of the Board. Each region has a regional committee which includes a coordinator and squadron advisors, and may also include the positions of treasurer, secretary and/or assistant coordinator.
The QOVPC currently has more than 1,000 volunteer members throughout Quebec and the Ottawa Valley. Most of them work at the local level in one of our 94 SSCs.