Effective speaking

You can learn to speak in public!

Good communication is an essential skill in today’s society. Indeed, we are all called upon to speak in front of a group, whether in our professional or personal lives. The Effective Speaking Program of the Air Cadet League of Canada offers cadets the opportunity to gain greater self-confidence, improve their ability to reason, and organize and express their ideas clearly. It involves all levels of the organization:

  • Cadet training takes place at the local level, under the responsibility of the Squadron Sponsoring Committee, and culminates in a local competition. Local competitions typically take place between mid-January and the end of February;
  • Winners from all squadrons in the region compete in a regional competition. Regional competitions typically take place in March;
  • Winners of regional competitions compete in the provincial competition held in April — the next provincial competition will be held on April 26, 2025 in Drummondville;
  • Winners from each province (and territory) go on to the national competition which will be held on June 14, 2025 in Ottawa.

Cadets participating in the Effective Speaking program may only compete (at any level) if they have completed registration form ACC54.

The topics of the 2025 Effective competition are as follows:

Much more information is available on the national headquarters website.

Looking for a list of past provincial winners? No need to look any further, here it is!