The air cadet program uses an impressive number of acronyms. We always make an effort to explain them at least once in the QOVPC documents (yes, I know, the Quebec and Ottawa Valley Provincial Committee…) but there are plenty more on the military side too! And what can you do to follow a conversation in which everyone is speaking in acronyms? So below, in alphabetical order, is a list of all the acronyms we’ve thought of that are commonly used in the program. Let us know if any are missing!
CAF | Canadian Armed Forces |
CCC | Community coordination committee |
CJCR | Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers |
CO | Commanding officer |
CRA | Canada Revenue Agency |
DCO | Deputing commanding officer |
DND | Department of National Defence |
EC | Executive council |
LDA | Locally Directed Activity |
OPI | Office of primary interest |
QOVPC | Quebec and Ottawa Valley Provincial Committee |
RCSU-E | Regional Cadet Support Unit (Eastern) |
RDA | Regionally Directed Activity |
SSC | Squadron sponsoring committee |