All acronyms

The air cadet program uses an impressive number of acronyms. We always make an effort to explain them at least once in the QOVPC documents (yes, I know, the Quebec and Ottawa Valley Provincial Committee…) but there are plenty more on the military side too! And what can you do to follow a conversation in which everyone is speaking in acronyms? So below, in alphabetical order, is a list of all the acronyms we’ve thought of that are commonly used in the program. Let us know if any are missing!

CAFCanadian Armed Forces
CCCCommunity coordination committee
CJCRCadets and Junior Canadian Rangers
COCommanding officer
CRACanada Revenue Agency
DCODeputing commanding officer
DNDDepartment of National Defence
ECExecutive council
LDALocally Directed Activity
OPIOffice of primary interest
QOVPCQuebec and Ottawa Valley Provincial Committee
RCSU-ERegional Cadet Support Unit (Eastern)
RDARegionally Directed Activity
SSCSquadron sponsoring committee