The Air Cadet program is a unique program that offers interesting activities and enables young people to acquire skills in a variety of areas, such as leadership, communication and aviation. Since there are no costs to parents, no youth is turned away. But the program does incur costs that are not part of the Canadian Armed Forces’ budget envelope, and are therefore covered by the various levels of the League.
The QOVPC is a not-for profit organization made up mainly of volunteers that plays an essential role in the air cadet program in Quebec and the Ottawa Valley. The Air Cadet League of Canada’s funding model is assessment-based, from the local level (Squadron Sponsoring Committees – SSCs) to the provincial level (QOVPC ) to national headquarters. This process is explained in section of the Air Cadet League of Canada’s Policy and Procedures Manual. Since there are no registration fees for cadets, the QOVPC and SSCs must carry out fundraising activities and/or obtain donations.
Charity registration number: 123613523 RR 0009
How your donations are used
- To ensure appropriate and secure accommodations for the needs of the squadron;
- To enable youth from all backgrounds to participate fully in the program, regardless of their family’s financial situation;
- To increase opportunities for cadets to benefit from familiarization flights, and thus fuel their dreams of a future in aviation;
- To offer scholarships and awards to cadets;
- To enhance training programs such as music and effective speaking;
- To ensure the presence of trained and supported volunteers in each squadron.
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